First week of school internship phase 2
The first week of school internship started from 1/12/2021 and ended on 7/2/2021. Due to the Covid pandemic the schools are closed, so our teaching practices takes place via Google meet platform, after seeking permission from the respective school we start the session from 1/2/2021.I got Govt.H.S.S Anchalummoodu for teaching practice phase 2. I got "Gravitation" for physics, IX standard E division and from Chemistry "Non-metals", IX standard D division. I take the class in alternative days. For 9E the timetable was scheduled at 6.15 pm to 7.00 pm., link was sent at 6.10 pm via google meet and Chemistry for 9D was scheduled at 7.30 pm to 8.15 pm, and the link was sent at 7.25 pm. I had covered the topic Gravitation, Law of Gravitation, Acceleration due to gravity and in Chemistry, Hydrogen, Oxygen, its reactions, till the date 7/2/2021. Th class went well and are according to verified lesson transcript. Our peer teaching sessions starts from 1 Feb 2021 to 15 F...